Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Hey there:)

An outfit I wore...All items from the thrift store:)

Seems like forever sense the last time I blogged, but I hope to be doing more posts soon. My life lately has been so very busy, with the start of the new school year and many other things. But, a very fun busy. I hope each one of you are growing in Jesus more and more.


  1. Welcome back!

  2. Yay, you're back! You're still with the living! ;) Beautiful outfit, I love it!

  3. Beautiful outfit on a beautiful girl:D I basically just wear thrifted things too;)I like your blog:D



I am so happy you stopped by. I hope my blog encouraged you in some small way! If you would like to leave a comment, I would love to read them...They bring so much joy and sunshine into my day!

May we seek to follow Him with all that we have!