Random Pictures I have not been posted in a while because we have been pretty busy!!! So starting a couple of weeks ago .... Me and my brothers went to a to help a family in our church move who is also some of our very dear friends it was a lot of fun and I spent the night there so I could help some more the next day. Then I went to help a lady clean her house who is a another very good friend, and then we went a wedding that night it was a lot of fun going to that wedding. My Dad and some other men including my brothers have been working on the box truck for our church I am so existed about getting it done.It should be done in a couple of weeks.I cant wait !!Today we went to a home school friends house for an early Thanks Giving dinner.It was so yummy ...I love Thanks Giving.OK so that is about all. O in betwen all that we have had a lot of good church ....
PS: My parents 20 Anniversary was great they went out and had a night on the town !!!:)
You sure have been busy. Sounds like it's all been fun and eventful. WOW, and early Thanksgiving! I love Thanksgiving and all the yummy food. It's probably my favorite. Kollin is just so cute. I would love to see Levi and him play. Take care!